Monday, 3 October 2011

The Salon in October

Welcome back, Salonblog readers! The Salon Summer Trip went off without a hitch and was comprehensively photographically documented by your humble chronicler as well as Salon cabalist, Miriam, and we hope to have some of the less awful photos up very soon. Threat or promise? You decide! I leave you with a fairly innocuous but intriguing picture of a sculpture made entirely out of butter. Yes, butter. And no matter how hard it may be to carve something out of butter, it is infinitely harder trying to take a photo of it inside its refrigerated glass case with the sun shining on it.

I hope that you too have had productive yet entertaining summers, even if they were sadly devoid of butter sculptures! 

The Salon has already started off the year in fine style with a well-received presentation from Julie Ives, titled 'Give It Some 'Ommer: ITV regional programming and the performance of the Black Country', and we hope to carry that quality on into upcoming Salon sessions. Traditionally, the Salon meets on the first Wednesday of every month, but with the start of the new academic year and incoming postgraduate students, we have made an executive decision to move this month's Salon session back. Consequently, October's The Salon will be meeting on Wednesday 12th October, 13:00-15:00 in ATT 202  (Attenborough Second Floor SR 202) and will be a general introductory session for new students and a chance to reconnect with fellow postgraduates for everyone else.
To this end, we are asking for Saloneers to attend and share their hard-won wisdom about the strategies, resources and pitfalls that they have used and experienced within their postgraduate studies. This will be an informal discussion session with brief representations from those Salon volunteers. If you would like to be one of those brave volunteers, please feel free to comment here or email me at victoriabyard @ gmail dot com and let us know. Regardless of how active you wish to be within the session, we would still be delighted to see you there, as we feel that the Salon can be a useful way to provide support and share research within the department as well as within the wider postgraduate community. 

As ever, everyone is welcome!

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