Monday, 5 December 2011

Hello, Saloneers!

Apologies for the late post; I'm rather afraid we've run out of steam towards the end of the term! However, I can confirm that December's Salon session will be taking place this Wednesday 7th December from 13:00-15:00 in Room 202, ATT 202, Attenborough Tower. It will be a general AGM to organise next term's agenda and hopefully relaunch The Salon from January so that we can let everyone know about events well ahead of time. If any of you fancy getting involved in this either come along, or drop us an email - all help is gratefully received!

We already have potential events lined up involving senior members of departmental staff (we hope to have Professor David Ekserdjian come and give us some tips on getting published early in the New Year), and interdepartmental seminars on visual culture and ethical sources. Once we have these events confirmed, we'll publicise them from the beginning of the term, something on which I'm afraid we've rather fallen down this semester.

You can also keep up to date with what's going on at The Salon by email, follow us on Twitter @thesalon_haf, or join the Facebook group at!/groups/155452421216246/. If you would like to contribute to the blog with posts about ongoing research, issues that you've come across as a postgraduate student or even just interesting links, then we would be happy to have you! You'll need a Googlemail account to be able to post, so if you forward your details to me, I will be able to add you as a blogger. If you'd like to suggest topics or presentations for next semester, we'd be delighted to hear from you as well!
As ever, the Salon is open to everyone, so please feel free to come along to have a cup of tea and a biscuit, and share your opinions!

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